INNIOASIS G3 MP3 プレーヤー 160GB 【Bluetooth と WiFi 搭載、Spotify、Pandora、Amazon Music に対応】
- オンライン音楽を聴く - MP3 には、Spotify、Pandora、Amazon Music、Spotify Kids、Tidal、Deezer など、人気の音楽アプリが多数プリインストールされています。専用の MP3 プレーヤーや (Wi-Fi 経由で) 音楽をストリーミングする機能が欲しいけれど、必ずしも電話は必要ない (特に、まだ電話の準備ができていないお子様) という方に最適です。
- 大切な曲を再生 - この MP3 および MP4 プレーヤーには強力なローカル音楽再生アプリが搭載されています。MP4 プレーヤーは、ほぼすべての形式の音楽を再生できます。(MP3、WAV、FLAC、AAC、APE、OGG、 M4A、WMA、MP2 など)。音楽スキャン機能を使用すると、曲のフォルダーを 1 回のクリックで音楽アプリに読み込み、好きなだけプレイリストを作成できます。曲名を入力して、お気に入りの曲を見つけます。
- 良い本を聴く - Bluetooth と Wi-Fi を備えた MP3 プレーヤーには、Audible、Audiobooks、Libby、LibriVox、Kindle など、さまざまな人気のオーディオブック アプリが付属しています。本を聴いて、長い一日の疲れを癒しましょう。本を聴くことは、子供の視力と学習に有益です。
- MP3 をカスタマイズ - Bluetooth 搭載の MP3 プレーヤーは、好みに応じて追加のアプリをインストールしたり、既存のアプリを最新バージョンにアップグレードしたりできます。音楽プレーヤーにはペアレンタル コントロール機能が搭載されており、お子様は保護者の許可を得たアプリのみをダウンロードできます。また、不要なアプリを簡単に削除してメモリを節約できます。注: MP3 プレーヤーは、YouTube、YouTube ミュージックなど、Google プレーヤー サービスのサポートを必要とするアプリをインストールできません。
- 160GB の大容量ストレージ - Innioasis Spotify プレーヤーは、8 コア プロセッサ、2GB RAM、32GB ROM ストレージを搭載し、スムーズなプログラム実行を実現します。さらに、Spotify ミュージック プレーヤーには 128GB SD カードが付属しており、長年大切にしてきた曲をすべて保存できるため、携帯電話のメモリの空き容量が増えます。さらに、プレーヤーには最大 1Tb の容量のメモリ拡張スロットがあります。
- WIFI+Bluetooth 機能 - mp4 はデュアルバンド 2.4 および 5GHz を内蔵し、妨害に対する耐性が強く、ワイヤレス信号がより安定しています。双方向の送受信が可能な Bluetooth 4.2 により、Bluetooth ヘッドフォン、Bluetooth スピーカー、カーオーディオ システムへの安定した接続が可能です。
- 優れたオーディオビジュアル体験 - Spotify MP3 プレーヤーには、720p および 1080p のビデオをサポートする 4 インチの高解像度タッチ スクリーンが搭載されています。比類のない映画鑑賞をお楽しみいただけます。ボイス レコーダー、FM ラジオ、電子書籍、ファイル転送、時計、カレンダー、電卓、ギャラリー、ファイル マネージャーなど、実用的なアプリもいくつか含まれています。

The Innioasis G3 MP3 player comes pre-installed with many popular music apps, including Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Spotify Kids, Tidal, and Deezer.
The mp3 is a great choice for those who want a dedicated MP3 player or the ability to stream music via Wi-Fi, but don’t necessarily want or need a phone—especially for kids who aren’t ready for a phone yet!

This music player built-in Dual Band 2.4 & 5GHz with stronger resisting disturbance and more steadier wireless signal.
The mp3 player with bluetooth and wifi comes with various popular audio book apps, including Audible, Audiobooks, Libby, LibriVox, and Kindle. Listen to a book and let it ease away your tiredness after a long day. Listening to books can be beneficial for children's eyesight and learning.

This mp3 & mp4 player has a 4-inch high-definition touch screen that supports 720p and 1080p videos. It brings you unparalleled Film viewing. There are also several practical apps included such as a voice recorder, FM radio, ebook, file transfer, clock, calendar, calculator, gallery, and file manager.

The innioasis Spotify player is equipped with an 8-core processor, 2GB of RAM, and 32GB of internal storage for smooth program execution. It also includes a 128GB SD card to store all the songs you've cherished for years, freeing up space on your phone's memory. Additionally, the mp3 player for kids has a memory expansion slot with a capacity of up to 1TB.

The G3 Bluetooth music player is equipped with a 1500mAh lithium battery that uses a low-power solution, allowing for up to 25 hours of continuous music playback (with wired earbuds) or 5 hours of video. It features a Type-C charging port, and it takes just 2 hours to fully charge.

Different from most current mp3 music players, G3 player not only provides USB cables to upload music and videos, but also can share or transfer files via Bluetooth and WiFi. And the file transfer app is compatible with Android and IOS devices, making it easier for you to transfer files between the player and the phone.

Up to 1TB Extended Storage
The innioasis G3 mp3 player is esigned with an 8-core processor, 2GB of RAM, and 16GB ROM for smooth program execution. It comes with a 64GB memory card and supports external storage expansion via a card slot, allowing for up to 1TB of additional space to meet users' storage needs.

4.0 Inch HD Screen
G3 Blutooth mp3 player has a 4-inch high-definition touch screen that supports 720p and 1080p videos. It brings you unparalleled Film viewing. There are also several practical apps included such as a voice recorder, FM radio, ebook, file transfer, clock, calendar, calculator, gallery, and file manager.

Long Battery Life
INNIOASIS G3 Bluetooth music player is equipped with a 1500mAh lithium battery that uses a low-power solution, allowing for up to 25 hours of continuous music playback (with wired earbuds) or 5 hours of video. It features a Type-C charging port, and it takes just 2 hours to fully charge.

G3 digital mp3 player has a built-in powerful e-book reader, which supports local reading and online library reading. And provide a variety of auxiliary tools for you to have a better reading experience, such as Bookmarks, Autoscroll, Day/Night mode, TTS voice, and even online entry search, etc.

The Gallery app that comes with the G3 digital player is not only a picture browser, but also a practical picture editor. You can rotate/crop the picture, you can also modify the picture style/saturation/shadow/exposure and so on.

Access Internet Website
Using the built-in browser, you can quickly access internet websites, just as easy as browsing the web on a computer or mobile phone.

Powerful Clock App
G3 walkman mp3 player provides a powerful clock app, which includes Alarm, Global city time zones, Timers, and Stopwatches. For alarm clocks, you can also set labels, repeat frequency, ringtones, etc.

Calendar with Event Marks
The calendar app provided by this Bluetooth mp4 player can not only view the date, but also add events for a specific date, such as work schedules, meetings, banquets, etc., and set notifications for events.

What's in the Package
1 × MP3 player
1 × Type-C charging cable
1 × Wired earbuds
1 x Manual
Tips: The device does not support the installation and use of apps other than the machine, including but not limited to Audible, Amazon music, iTunes, Spotify, Youtube, Apple music, Pandora, Google play, etc.