Save 33% on the INNIOASIS G1 MP3 Player 80GB with Bluetooth and WiFi【4 Save 33% on the INNIOASIS G1 MP3 Player 80GB with Bluetooth and WiFi【4 Save 33% on the INNIOASIS G1 MP3 Player 80GB with Bluetooth and WiFi【4 Save 33% on the INNIOASIS G1 MP3 Player 80GB with Bluetooth and WiFi【4 Save 33% on the INNIOASIS G1 MP3 Player 80GB with Bluetooth and WiFi【4 Save 33% on the INNIOASIS G1 MP3 Player 80GB with Bluetooth and WiFi【4 Save 33% on the INNIOASIS G1 MP3 Player 80GB with Bluetooth and WiFi【4 Save 33% on the INNIOASIS G1 MP3 Player 80GB with Bluetooth and WiFi【4 Save 33% on the INNIOASIS G1 MP3 Player 80GB with Bluetooth and WiFi【4 Save 33% on the INNIOASIS G1 MP3 Player 80GB with Bluetooth and WiFi【4 Save 33% on the INNIOASIS G1 MP3 Player 80GB with Bluetooth and WiFi【4 Save 33% on the INNIOASIS G1 MP3 Player 80GB with Bluetooth and WiFi【4 Save 33% on the INNIOASIS G1 MP3 Player 80GB with Bluetooth and WiFi【4 Save 33% on the INNIOASIS G1 MP3 Player 80GB with Bluetooth and WiFi【4 Save 33% on the INNIOASIS G1 MP3 Player 80GB with Bluetooth and WiFi【4 Save 33% on the INNIOASIS G1 MP3 Player 80GB with Bluetooth and WiFi【4 Save 33% on the INNIOASIS G1 MP3 Player 80GB with Bluetooth and WiFi【4 Save 33% on the INNIOASIS G1 MP3 Player 80GB with Bluetooth and WiFi【4 Save 33% on the INNIOASIS G1 MP3 Player 80GB with Bluetooth and WiFi【4 Save 33% on the INNIOASIS G1 MP3 Player 80GB with Bluetooth and WiFi【4

MP3-плэер INNIOASIS G1 80 ГБ з Bluetooth і WiFi【4-цалевы поўны сэнсарны экран, Spotify, Pandora, партатыўны HiFi Sound Walkman, лічбавы аўдыяплэер з дынамікам】

$59.99 $89.99
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  • Спалучэнне мясцовай і струменевай музыкі - INNIOASIS G1 - гэта не толькі лакальны mp3-плэер з Bluetooth, але і прайгравальнік струменевай музыкі. На прыладзе прадусталяваны многія з самых папулярных музычных інтэрнэт-прыкладанняў, у тым ліку Spotify, Pandora, Tidal, Deezer, Amazon music, Apple music і г.д.
  • Магутная праграма для мясцовай музыкі - Музычны прайгравальнік G1 мае ўбудаваную магутную лакальную праграму для прайгравання музыкі, сумяшчальную з большасцю музычных фарматаў, уключаючы, але не абмяжоўваючыся імі, MP3, WAV, FLAC, APE, OGG, M4A, AAC, WMA, MP2 і г.д., і прапануе розныя катэгорыі песень, такія як назва, папка, выканаўца, альбом, жанр.
  • Дзіўнае аўдыявізуальнае задавальненне - Прылада - гэта не толькі лічбавы музычны плэер, але і MP4-плэер. Ён абсталяваны 4-цалевым сэнсарным ВК-экранам і гукавым модулем HiFi і падтрымлівае прайграванне HD-відэа 720p, 1080p, што можа прынесці вам беспрэцэдэнтныя ўражанні ад прагляду.
  • Больш шырокая сумяшчальнасць Bluetooth - Прылада пастаўляецца з чыпам Bluetooth 4.2, які можа быць сумяшчальным з іншымі версіямі прылад Bluetooth, такімі як навушнікі, дынамікі, аўтамабільныя стэрэасістэмы, і забяспечвае хуткае спалучэнне і стабільнае злучэнне. Гэта выдатны mp3-плэер з Bluetooth.
  • Доўгі тэрмін службы батарэі - Гэты MP3-плэер G1 Bluetooth мае ўбудаваны літыевы акумулятар ёмістасцю 1500 мАг, і ўся машына выкарыстоўвае рашэнне з нізкім энергаспажываннем, якое можа бесперапынна прайграваць 15 гадзін (навушнікі Bluetooth) - 25 гадзін (правадныя навушнікі) музыкі або 4-5 гадзін відэа. Гэта ваш рэдкі прайгравальнік Walkman для падарожжаў або спорту.
  • Магчымасць пашырэння да 1 ТБ - Гэты лічбавы аўдыяпрайгравальнік мае слот для карты Micro SD. Гэта дазваляе пашырыць вонкавае сховішча да 1 ТБ і сумяшчальна з SDXC, SDHC. Гэта можа значна задаволіць вашу патрэбу захоўваць больш песень, відэа, аўдыякніг.
  • Партатыўная электронная чыталка - У дадатак да мноства праграм для музыкі ў інтэрнэце, на гэтай прыладзе таксама прадусталяваны Audible, Kindle, што значна палягчае вам праслухоўванне аўдыякніг і чытанне электронных кніг, не турбуючы тэлефоннымі званкамі і паведамленнямі.
  • Лёгка наладзіць бацькоўскі кантроль - Лічбавы плэер G1 не дазваляе ўсталёўваць дадатковыя прыкладанні, што не дазваляе дзецям усталёўваць непрыдатныя праграмы. Акрамя таго, вы можаце выдаліць прадусталяваныя прыкладанні, якімі вы не хочаце, каб карысталіся вашы дзеці, і ўсталяваць блакіроўку скіду, каб прадухіліць іх аднаўленне.
Faster Response and Running

The INNIOASIS G1 mp3 player  adopts the Android OS and 8 core CPU 1.9GHz processor to make it run faster and more smoothly.

Meanwhile, the player built in 2GB RAM and 80GB storage(16GB ROM+ 64GB TF card), supports to expand external storage up to 1TB and is compatible with SDXC, SDHC. You can load a lot of music, videos and pictures without using up your phone's memory

Wider Bluetooth compatibility

This music player built-in Dual Band 2.4 & 5GHz with stronger resisting disturbance and more steadier wireless signal. Bluetooth 4.2 with two-way sending and receiving for a stable connection to Bluetooth headphones, Bluetooth speakers and car audio systems.

Better Film-viewing experience

This mp3 & mp4 player has a 4-inch high-definition touch screen that supports 720p and 1080p videos. It brings you unparalleled Film viewing. There are also several practical apps included such as a voice recorder, FM radio, ebook, file transfer, clock, calendar, calculator, gallery, and file manager.

80GB Large Capacity Expandable up to 1TB

The innioasis G1 mp3 player is esigned with an 8-core processor, 2GB of RAM, and 16GB ROM for smooth program execution. It comes with a 64GB memory card and supports external storage expansion via a card slot, allowing for up to 1TB of additional space to meet users' storage needs.

HiFi Music Enjoyment

This walkman music player combines Hifi lossless chip with the power of the latest generation Digital Signal Processor (DSP).

The result is fuller bass with more depth and impact,

boosted voice and instrument clarity, and rich detail. Rediscover your compressed

MP3 music in true-to-life sound that will touch your soul.

Long Battery Life

The G1 Bluetooth music player is equipped with a 1500mAh lithium battery that uses a low-power solution, allowing for up to 25 hours of continuous music playback (with wired earbuds) or 5 hours of video. It features a Type-C charging port, and it takes just 2 hours to fully charge.

Wireless Sharing and Upload

Different from most current mp3 music players, G1 player not only provides USB cables to upload music and videos, but also can share or transfer files via Bluetooth and WiFi. And the file transfer app is compatible with Android and IOS devices, making it easier for you to transfer files between the player and the phone.



Up to 1TB Extended Storage

The innioasis G1 mp3 player is esigned with an 8-core processor, 2GB of RAM, and 16GB ROM for smooth program execution. It comes with a 64GB memory card and supports external storage expansion via a card slot, allowing for up to 1TB of additional space to meet users' storage needs.


4.0 Inch HD Screen

G1 Blutooth mp3 player has a 4-inch high-definition touch screen that supports 720p and 1080p videos. It brings you unparalleled Film viewing. There are also several practical apps included such as a voice recorder, FM radio, ebook, file transfer, clock, calendar, calculator, gallery, and file manager.


Long Battery Life

INNIOASIS G1 Bluetooth music player is equipped with a 1500mAh lithium battery that uses a low-power solution, allowing for up to 25 hours of continuous music playback (with wired earbuds) or 5 hours of video. It features a Type-C charging port, and it takes just 2 hours to fully charge.

Pocket Ebook Reader

G1 digital mp3 player has a built-in powerful e-book reader, which supports local reading and online library reading. And provide a variety of auxiliary tools for you to have a better reading experience, such as Bookmarks, Autoscroll, Day/Night mode, TTS voice, and even online entry search, etc.

Practical Photo Viewer

The Gallery app that comes with the G1 digital player is not only a picture browser, but also a practical picture editor. You can rotate/crop the picture, you can also modify the picture style/saturation/shadow/exposure and so on.



Access Internet Website

Using the built-in browser, you can quickly access internet websites, just as easy as browsing the web on a computer or mobile phone.


Powerful Clock App

G1 walkman mp3 player provides a powerful clock app, which includes Alarm, Global city time zones, Timers, and Stopwatches. For alarm clocks, you can also set labels, repeat frequency, ringtones, etc.


Calendar with Event Marks

The calendar app provided by this Bluetooth mp4 player can not only view the date, but also add events for a specific date, such as work schedules, meetings, banquets, etc., and set notifications for events.

What's in the Package


1 × MP3 player


1 × Type-C charging cable


1 × Wired earbuds


1 x Manual


Tips: The device does not support the installation and use of apps other than the machine, including but not limited to Audible, Amazon music, iTunes, Spotify, Youtube, Apple music, Pandora, Google play, etc.