أسئلة وأجوبة
1. How much is the shipping cost? Can I get free shipping?
Shipping fees vary by country. Orders over USD 60 usually get free shipping in the US (excluding islands), Canada, many European countries, Asia, Oceania, and South America. Below USD 60, a fee of USD 6.5-13 applies based on location.
2. Where do you ship the products purchased from this website?
سيتم شحن جميع المنتجات الموجودة على موقعنا الإلكتروني من أقرب موقع في الولايات المتحدة أو الدول الأوروبية والأمريكية الأخرى بناءً على عنوان المشتري.
3. Do I need to pay for tax if buy in this website?
No, you don’t have to pay for tax when you purchase from our website.
4. What shipping methods are available?
سنقوم بتوفير خدمة التوصيل عبر UPS أو USPS.
5. When can I expect to receive my order?
About 3-5 business days after shipment.
6. ما هي طرق الدفع التي تقبلونها؟
نحن نقبل بطاقات الائتمان Visa وMasterCard وDiscover وAmerican Express وPayPal.
7. How do I change or cancel my order?
If you need to cancel or change your order, please contact us at innioasis-business@hotmail.com
8. How to apply for returns and refunds?
يمكنك معالجة تغيير في طلبك أو إلغاء طلبك عن طريق الاتصال بنا innioasis-business@hotmail.com
9. What can I do if there are problems related to the product?
If you find any problems after receiving the product, please contact us innioasis-business@hotmail.com and we will help promptly.
10.Do you provide an after-sale warranty?
If you encounter problems in using products, please feel free to contact our after-sales team innioasis-business@hotmail.com and we will provide free after-sales service.